5024 General Store is a local skate shop in Lacombe, AB. It was started by two of Nick’s friends who also share a passion for getting youth into skateboarding. Our partnership with 5024 aids in funding skate gear for the free skate camps they provide for youth with financial barriers! These skate camps are put on by 5024 General Store, Blackfalds Family and Community Support and Ever Active. If we have enough funding for extra gear, kids who fall in love with skateboarding could potentially take home a board and safety gear of their own to continue their new passion!
Skate Camps
Donations made towards 5024’s skate camps will allow the purchase of skateboards and safety gear so those participating in camps can be decked out head to toe! Those youth who want to continue to the sport afterwards and who’s families may not have the means to purchase all the gear may be eligible to take home a set of donated gear.